Pages of a dream

segunda-feira, janeiro 09, 2012

Studying isn't my thing

E assim começou a minha temporada de testes, e devo dizer que começou horrivelmente mal...... passo a noite a estudar para literatura inglesa, chego ao teste, e sai o que não estudei pois saiu no teste anterior! ... realmente há dias que me apetece bater com a cabeça nas paredes...vamos lá ver quanto vale aquele desastre e se me chega para conseguir passar nesta cadeira :\

And so, today began my final exams, and i must say it started awfully! i spent the whole night studying for english literature, and when i arrive at the test, i realize everything i studied was for nothing, since the subjects asked were from the last test, and the subjects for this test weren't anywhere to be found!  there really are some days i wanna bang my head against a wall... i hope my disastrous test is enough for me to pass in English literature :\

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